Jan 19, 2006 00:14
so i guess that its cool now a days to lie..but not only once but twice...why cant ppl just fess up to what they say i mean geez...how gay do u have to be to continue to lie about shit..and we know who said that shit and we came to the conclusion that the ONLY reason why they said it and lied bout it is cuz they r JEALOUS and nothing but a HAITER!!!
wow now that i got that off my chest..i have been just going to school and then of course hanging with DaViD <3
not to much going on this weekend but i am sure i'll be soing something..so just call the cell...
luv all my grls..huss, courtney, erica, and ne one else i forgot 2 <33
flag football finals this sunday..r u ready grls...cuz i know i am..lol
sweet dreams