my mummy is cute

Jul 08, 2004 13:49

Dear Hali and Carolyn,
I’m taking a break to speak with you.
One thing I’ve learned from life is the only thing that is important beyond physical needs is unconditional love. That is true all over the whole world. No matter whether you are in Africa living in a village or you are Bill Gates. For millions of years human beings have had to address basic needs. It is only in the last few hundreds of years that things have changed. I think most civilizations have had to go through struggles. Many, many civilizations are still in survival mode. We have had the luxury of thinking of more. It varies all over the world. I think to look at success and what a civilization has the hope to be, we can look at where there is the most equality. If I were to say I would say Denmark.( It seems that most nations have had to grow through the other stages )I have read that everyone there is paid the same amount of money. It is a socialist republic. Artists are paid the same as a CEO. In Sweden you cannot make below a certain amount. The average person makes approximately 30.00 per hour in Sweden. People make the point that taxes are high there, but they receive healthcare, which is free. Health insurance is 600.00 per month here for a family. That itself could be half of a low-income persons’ income. I have read about women who work 39 hours per week are not able to get benefits. A child was not able to go to the doctors’ because of that. (She needed a life saving operation)You cannot make above a certain amount. These countries in my opinion have gone through many levels of civilization. They have grown into what they are. They are a balance. They are based on love, neutrality, and separation of church and state and accepting differences (toleration of differences). We are human. We are all very imperfect. Balance and cooperation are what we can move towards more.
Since we have high technology and education the importance is to educate people.
Some thing that could be moved towards is:
Direct Vote=Changing it so congress introduces the new laws and the people vote directly
Companies like Hertz that are owned by the workers.
Insurance that is owned by the people. (Eliminate insurance companies-people pay into a fund-through internet)
Eliminate the electoral college. (bills have come up for this- Hillary Clinton has brought up support for this and for national health care)

Civilizations grow into what they are if they are to become based on love and acceptance. I saw scary things go on during the Nixon administration. I am seeing the same now. The only way to change that was for people to vote and change it. More than 50% OF FAMILIES ARE HEADED BY A WOMAN. I don’t see too many families where the man even participates in bringing up the children at all. ( A lot of the 50% abandone the children and don’t even contribute financially to the upbringing of the children. I think for this reason a lot of these things mean more to women. It’s not to say the men are bad. For millions of years instinct for men has been to go out and hunt and not participate in the family. Our civilization is capable of moving to the next level. I view this as positive. I view your organization as part of this. THE MOVEMENT IS AWAY FROM SEPARATION AND TO A COOPERATING WE MENTALITY. America under the Clinton administration was moving in that direction.
The purpose of all government is to do the best for the largest amount of people. The majority in America has changed. America now has more minorities than WASPS. If women are in this mix there is a huge majority, educating people to vote can change things. We need to get out the message to vote for things that favor families, the middle class and lift people into the middle class.
Example a bill was up to stop tax fraud by large companies. If people nationwide pushed this to be passed, we could eliminate the deficit with it.
When Clinton left office there was no deficit. Each American now owes 30,000. We need to get out and vote to be at least going in the right direction. We were going in the right direction. It is slow, but your generation will be the largest voting block in history. If you can get a positive movement going I think most people are ready for it. I think most people are tired of the separation of people. Individualism was a former trend, maybe we as a civilization are ready to move beyond this as some countries have seemed to do.
A good balance exists between Democracy, Social Programs, Capitalism, and Equality. We can see it in the world. It involves a We mentality. It is based on unconditional love. (In my opinion). It takes time to grow to the level of cooperation instead of competition. We have lived for millions of years by a flight or fright instinct. It is not unexpected that it will take many years to grow beyond this. It is also not exciting to us because we are still animals that feel comfortable to be living on adrenaline.
I think the Zen philosophy has a lot to offer in this regard. We must accept also that we are human. Perfection is impossible. We must all listen to others and celebrate there differences. We are all interwoven as is life. Poverty and disease will always exist most likely, but maybe if we move to we as a civilization we can begin to change that.
Please don’t reject us elders. Keep an open mind as you grow. We are all human. Just look for the unconditional love- that is the only reality.( beyond our basic needs)
I believe we are at the stage where we could go to a stage like Denmark if we go in that direction. I believe your generation really gives me hope because you seem to be asking those questions. This is not to say that any nation is perfect because Denmark is one of the pornography capitals of the world. That’s not positive. I think accepting positivity into your life( no addictions) is good. When I went to my cousins the other day I saw people with no addictions raising happy children. This is what I see as positive. I would like to see this for evry one. Part of Zen is allowing yourself to experience your physical and mental pain. To allow yourself to not be guilty and love all of yourself. To even love your pain. Our civilization has been built on Christianity. The first tenet of that is guilt. Adam and Eve were evil, so they needed to be saved. We are human and if we go toward the positive and love that is what’s important. Guilt forms bariors. We are always afraid someone will know we are unworthy. What if we were able to get beyond that? If we don’t love our own imperfections and pain we need addictions to dull the pain. That’s what many of us do. What if we loved each other held hands meditated and experience peace? The Dahli Lama was asked what a person should do when they are sad? He didn’t know what sad was. Sad is just a part of the flow of life. It is not something to be avoided. It is to be accepted and felt without reservation. Work is the same. It is not to be avoided. It is part of the flow. It doesn’t matter what we do. A native in the Amazonian jungle did not understand what work was because it was just a part of the flow of life. These are positive things we can learn from these cultures.
Love- mom
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