(no subject)

May 16, 2006 22:20

to all my friends:
I love you. Jackie you were definately better than the cover band. i would love to hear you sing living on a prayer any day, even if they kick you off the stage. and thanks for wiping the puke off my boob. Katie, oh Katie grilled cheese is where it is at. I need to drag you out dancing sometime, whether you like it or not.Meghan, you need to snip the balls off you cat, it pisses everywhere. also, if i get evicted because of noise complaints, when i come back. i will not be happy. but its not your fault, our neighbors are schmucks. Nikki, what the hell happened to you, i havent heard from you forever. Terra, you should get a lighter school loads so you can hang out and have fun. Eric, hahaha i'm going to puerto rico and you're not!!! Alex, car accidents suck, but they happen. we will hang out sometime when i get back.tornpatchwork, everyone goes on adventures you just have to grab the opportunities when they come, even if common sense says dont do it. to my sister, i will see you tomorrow in Dominican Republic. Its going to be the best two weeks ever. to everyone else, i love music and kamikazes and nights on the beach.
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