Dec 07, 2004 22:57
yesterday i had my hair cut pretty short, i dont like it :(
Last night - had ENOUGH laughs
- Met Kylie well late
- Went to sainsburys and brought a bottle of wine each
- Drank wine on some office buildings stairs in soho square.
- Walked past Scene kids and got called sluts aha turned out it was ross.
- Went into gig well late (well wasted). watched senses fail whist drinking archers and lemonade.
- Got about a million missed calls from ross who'd been chucked out for being pissed.
- left kylie watching from autumn to ashes and pulling ross's mate hehe.
- Went to pub with ross and we drank MORE and kissed alot <333333333
- Met Kylie after the show and we ended up going to victoria for some reason.
- Cant memba how i got on my train but it was WELL slow
- Rang EVERYONE and cained my credit
- Got home and crashed out on my bed fully clothed aha
Work was fun today. spent most of it being silly aha. Uhm got called christina for wearing my hair curly, whatev.
Went to some staff training thing was fun.
Ross and his mate are coming to stay this weekend oh yes. <333333
that is all
P.S i miss ........