May 17, 2005 12:19
AS juliet went to drink the potion she thought about what if Romeo never gets the message about juliet, and she awakes in a graveyard by herslef. She writes a letter to romeo and signs it, In the letter she wrote
"Dear my sweet Romeo, I will lay for 42 hours, wit for me my love and we will be together soon, the onlut trounle is that if they fo to look for my dead body there will be no body there to lay at rest. so to prove your love, you must kill another, a young girl that looks like me and lay her inthe crypt where I lay, if you do not love me do not perform this task and i will take my pwm ;ife for i know and want know other life than a life with you. Signed your love Juliet"
Juliet gave her maid this letter and told her that if she wanted to keep her life she would deliver this letter to Romeo and if she refused Juliet would tell her father that the nurse had made Juliet marry Romeo. So since the nurse wanted ti keeo her life she would deliver the letter. AS the nurse left Juliet drank the potion and feel into a deep sleep not to awake for 42 hours. The nurse brout a servent to protect her, the severnt wasvery suspicious of the whole situation. As she finally found Romeo she gave him the letter. Romeo started to weep, he loved Juliet with all his heart but, to kill an innocent young girl. Romeo sat and pondered for a minute and told the nurse that Juliet would get her request, not knowing what to do, Romeo thought for many hours. He could not think of a plan that would let hum be with his wife in peace for the rest of his life. if there was no body where Juliet were to lay, they would surley search for Juliet and not stop searching until they had found her. romeo had thought so long the he heard both the nihgting gale and the lark. The lark made romeo realize that he only had a day and a hald to d0o what he had to do to prove his love to Juliet. Romeo had decided that his love id worth the death of another. Romeo searched Mantua for women who looked even a slight bit like Juliet. But Juliet as beautifull as Romeo claimed her to be ,he couldnt find anyone who came close to her beauty. Romeo searched the town for many hours till he set eys on a beautifull maiden. the young lasy has no one walking with her and has toen clothing. romeo decided that this lady would work for his plan very well. Romeo began to folloe this woman, Romeo found out where she lived. He also notived her taking care of her father. the lasy who has seen Romeo folloe her has asked him if he needed any thing which Romeo said,
"Sorry madam i couldn't help but to folloe you; your beautyreminds me of an anfel."
She smiled and bluxhed for she had not has many men come to her because sje jas no money and lived on the outskrits of town. The young lasy introduced hersled as Daralis, she looks after her father. Romeo has asked for a place to stay for the night. Daralis did not refue. Daraliss asked for if he wanted something to eat. Romeo could not dare to eat because of what he had to do to this beautifull woman. He had slept next to her on the floor. ROmeo could not sleep but for a few hours, because he heard coughing, anf people geting sickallthrough the night. romeo awoke by the nightinggals it was the middle of the night. It was pitchblack in the hut. Romeo drew his dagger from his bag. As romeo went to stab her he wispered in her ear
"I'm sry beautifull bt I must prove my love to Juliet." Romeo moved her hand away from her chest when he did it was cold as ice. he lit a match to see no cmoke coming from her motuh and it was a cold night, he felt her stomach whitch it did not move. Romeo founf this as a good thing and laid down to bed again. the next morning Romeo was awakedn by a scream. the father of Daralis was standing over the body weeping.
"shes dead my only daughter, my daraliss is dead!"
Romeo sat up and actes upset, abd had a very loing talk to her father pretending like he loved his daughter very much. Romeo had convinced the father to let him take her back tp his village and burry her there. since her father was vrey ill he didn't disagree. Romeo had broke open the mausoleum where he saw Juliet laying. Romeo saw a light coming from the outside of the mausoleum.
"who speaks?"
"It is i paris, who comes to see my beautifull wife."
"wife? You are mistaken for Juliet is allready wed."
"By whom?"
"I sir"
Paris drew his sword. since Romeo did not want Pars to see Darallis he walked onto the steps of the mausoleum. Romeo drew his sword and began to fight,Romeo had badly hurt parus. Romeo was about to kill him when Paris started begging for his life. romeo didn't want anything to ruin his plans so he told Paris that he'd let him live only if he would leave here and never come baack. Or he would kill him with his bare hands. Paris got up and ran away very quickly. Romeo ran to juliets side as he heard her call him. Juliet was happy to see Romeo, she asked romeo if he hasd proved his love. Romeo nodded and showed her the body. When Juliet look at the young girl laying on the floor she started to seem very upset. Juliet all of a sudden realising what she had asked Romeo to do, got very scared of romeo, calling him a killer. Romeo got very confused. He explained to Juliet that she was already dead and that he didn't kill her. Juliet bean to calm down. After they had switched clothes between daralis and juliet Romeo place daralis dead body into the cyrpt where juliet had just layed. the clothes that which juliet had on reeked of vomit. Romeo and Juliet snucked out of the mausoleum. then fixed the door in which romeo had broke. they headed out of town. Romeo had built a little boat for them to get away in. they gloated for about a week stoping only to eat and sleep Juliet whoo had been in Daralis' old clotes fir more than a week started to get sick, but she did not want to tell Romeo. Juliet a year lter was stil sick but was hiding it for it wasn't bad and did not want to tell romeo. after romeo and Juliet had been in a stable household for about a year. Juliet disclosed the fact that she was pregnant. Romeo started dancing for this is what he had always dreamt of. Being with his beautifull wife and having a child of his own. 9 months later juliet was giving birth. Juliet had a little girl, romeo had placed her on juliet. juliet was hugging both her newborn and romeo, saying that she loved them and that she would never forget them romeo kissed her and said the same thing back to her thinking that she was emotional just because of the birth. Romeo took the baby and started hugging and kissing her. as he went to give her back to juliet she laid dead. Romeo who had not known she was sick cried for he had loved Juliet very much. Romeo decided to name the child after her mother. ad he watched over juliet the rest of his live.