Nov 15, 2004 21:25
i cant even trust my friend "anthony" he came over to my house to play vedio games b/c his sis is my bestfriend and i really trusted him i never thought he would steal ne thing ever! well to turn out my sis "couldn't find" 50$$
and i told savannah in case she sees it well to find out that anthony got a new cell phone today that he paid for that was 45$ he told his mom that he won it in a contest at school for a raffle so i called his best friend who has lunch with him he said that" no anthony was showing it off like a trophy saying that look what he got and all this shit." HE TOOK IT OUT OF MY SISTERS BAG!
look at convo with friend
me!!: is there any possible that he didnt steal it or did he deffintley steal it?
"Jack": there is a possibility he didnt, but he most likely did
Happy Bunny WMS: well his mom even asked were he got the money from so theres no other way he could of gotten it
"Jack": yeah he probably stole it.