Nov 24, 2004 14:01
theres this ugly names mentioned...who has an 'impression' of who everyone is..this fat ass whore, as i've heard, lowers herself to as low as the shit that eats bacteria...she eats up the whole you can see...maybe if she really knew me...she'd be smart enough to shut her fucking names mentioned...maybe you need help (definitely not on malnutriton)...but on something to do with your twisted mind...your the one thats one of a kind..i guess the saying that ugly girls are just so wrong...i think people write about fucks like you in provide plenty of material...yuo dont know me...its probably best that you never pass my way...dont second guess me because how small i am...the bigger they are..the harder they fall...and damn will you crack the cement...wait a there something stuttering from your double chin? bring it then. you're how old? please..when you actually find a life worth living...or a comment worth giving...that actually hits home...that actually makes me think...give me a fucked with my fucked with me..and you just totaly fucked yourself..dumbass