Jan 04, 2005 00:37
here I am. I'm sitting here looking back on what got me here. What happened in the past, allowing me the freedoms I possess. Once I turn 18, I have the freedom to vote. I have that RIGHT to help decide in my future..as well as future generations. I've been reading up on the the struggle women took on just to earn this precious right. They were spit upon, degraded with the calling of "feeble minds", and were trampled in marches they took picketing their unjustices. What the hell? YOu all know damn well that would NEVER even be imagined in the world today. At least, in our country (USA). Yes, I hate the government. I hate the fact that ignorant, lazy Americans maneuver their way through loop holes in this fucked up system. But, as bad as our National Government may be, we have so much that we take for granted in our everyday lives. One that may be the most important is voting. We, as strong minded women, have the ability to vote in our favor. To show MEN, that we're not so "feeble minded"..that, believe it or not, we have just as much brains as the next dueshbag, so-called 'man'!!!! I read this passage offered by a minister of the name 'Albert Bledsoe' back in 1871...
"Be this your glory, then O ye blessed and beautiful women of the South!-not that you can vote, or beat a Negro in Congress, butt hatyou can point to your sons as your jewels. . . .Be this your glory, not that you can equal men in the might and majesty of his intellectual dominion, but hat you can surpass him in the sublime mission of mercy to a fallen world. Be this your glory, not that you can harangue a mob, or thunder in the Senate, but that you can wear "the ornament of a meekand quiet spirit, which, in the sight of God, is of great price. . . ."Bethis your glory, in short, not that you can imitate aWashington, or a Lee, or a Jackson, but that you can rear, and train, and educate, and mould the future Washingtons, and Lees, and Jacksons of the South, to protectand preserve the sacred rights of women as well as of man."
When I read this, I think of. . . . "who is the ignorant person who wrote this?" We can rear, train, educate, and mould EVERY 'man' !!! To say that our glory is to just be seen, rather than heard? To just stand there looking pretty, supporting whatever opinion our MEN agree upon? To sit there, silent of OUR dreams, OUR futures, OUR voices? HELL NO!
We, today, are very lucky in the fact that women..long ago..(yet, not SO long ago)...faught for OUR rights TODAY. To see what they went through, just for that one right, that makes ALL the difference in OUR future. I sit and wonder. . . "would have I stood through all that? the pain and suffering..being cast out of the society I lived in, frowned upon for my ambition to have my voice reach the ears of thousands more?" I dont know...I can only admire these women in there efforts and succession.
I say. . . . . . " THANK-YOU!"