Dec 17, 2004 00:43
wow..what can I say? It has been SOME night. Amanda's mom is cool as hell..we went shopping at 4seasons..I never realized how small Oak Hollow was...untill I stepped into the center of 4seasons...and felt as though I were in some fancy lil mansion. sad..this I know. I'm a small lil country girl..who spends most of her 'shopping' hours at WalMart. We (amanda and I) showed up FASHIONABLY LATE..once again to an event (A christmas part at the bowling alley.) It was cool as hell weird as that may sound. I finally called Jason back..and we talked for a while..and this women (Robyn) got on the phone with him..and talked about how she used to change my diapers when I was little. Lol...It was FUNNY FUNNY. he just laughed his ass off. I have a lil diliema..I really like paul..but this dude Jason seems really cool. Jason says "BYE SWEETIE" when he gets off the phone with me..every time. (HOw sweet, right?)'s probably just him trying to get *ASS*..I dont trust ne one..maybe that's my problem..I went with paul last night..thinking it was only me and him. was ME..and ALL HIS FRIENDS. (At sharkeys)..Im supposed to be with him tommarow..but, hopefully we'll just stay at HIS house..and cuddle on the couch..and drink vodka. Well, the vodka is JUST FOR ME...but, I'll let him take a sip or 2. lol...this is a boring entry for all yall...but, just wanted to write some bullshit..even though i am in a thinking mode..I will only be as like the many fools out there..who dont write DEEP. well, occasionally I do..maybe tommorow. CORRECTION : TODAY! okay..buh bye
*PS..I am craving a corn dog right now...but, my microwave is broken (BY MY MOM)..andthe oven is broken (BY MY DAD) we see a cycle? they dont need to touch my, I will starve from starvation..over an oven..and a microwave. If I die..on my tomb stone..I wish for it to express this anger..
*** "I lived until one day..I could no longer make the food to nourish my body. That one corndog...that one can of spegetti..may have saved me..but, now I will rest in piece. Up here in heaven..we have FOOD...already prepared. I will no longer suffer hunger pains...BITCHES."
***I know that was heartwarming...take a moment to cope...