sarah and i are pimps LIKE WHOA

Oct 28, 2004 18:59


so for halloween sarah and i switched things like 800 times the mario brothers was the best then napolean dynamite and pedro and so on. Now we are somthin else. I can't say...u'll se tomorrow lol

b4 school mal came over and we had on like the same outfit cuz we rock :-D lmao lane and eva had the same thing on...whoa we are all pimps lmao
decorated bre's locker gave her presents wahlaa! lmao

i forgot my folder in sarahs locker..i ran across the whole school and back in 1 min and 45 seconds lmao.

1- worked with alex. haha he cracks me up. He was taking his id and like making his adams i mean "alex apple" move it was crazy haha hes the coolest.
2- mm gotta C on my paper lmfao but no one got an A that i know of lol. Ok i guess lol
3- Me Allison and Dagmara worked on our poster it turned out cool
lunch--> sang to bre then ate and such sarah wasn't there :-( . Our lunch table is fun we are too cool
4- talked with amanda (c)and judith is like pissed at us lmfao oh well. Amanda and i had the funnest time EVER we like broke the egg and then made scrammble eggs lmfaooo! then jackie and drew visited :-D!!!
5- got yelled at by emilia for somone else's issue with me..hmm...
6- boringgg lol i have to do my project tonight
after school:
-kayla and i were saying her last name making fun of martin cuz he ALWAYS says it lmfao
-went to dentist- NO CAVITIES :-D lol they said my smile is b-e-a-utiful lmao
-arrends with mom for my bday party w/ family and everything else
-meijers: saw amber *she was walkin and didn't see me*, Stella oh man i missed her we talked and i saw other ppl i knew it was cool
-waiting for steph to get back from dance then going to like pizzaria uno or some crap

*thanks drew for riding the bus home with me u rock :-D*

i officaly hate ms. michaleson thanks :-D

carolynn i gotta talk to u about tomorrow so call me ;-D!

5 days till my bday!!!
AMY I GOT U A PRESENT :-D lmao its the best

Stacey <33
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