cool...i feel a little better now.

Apr 24, 2003 21:57

The Basics
Name backwards: ahtnamas
Birthdate :: february 14, 1986
Location :: OXNARD california
BirthPlace:: arlington, texas
Sex :: female..last tyme i checked out the situation
Height :: 5' 6"
School:: oxnard high school highschool
Current Bands/Artists :: pink floyd, aerosmith, the beatles, the doors, the cure, the kinks
Clothing :: anything comfortable.
Accessories :: red lipstick and black eyeliner

This or that...
Nice smiles or nice eyes? :: i'm ugly
Jeans or skirts? :: depends
Boots or sneakers? :: pay-less boots or cons
Natural or make-up? :: i answered this already
Restaurants or fast food? :: i'm sick of carl's
Italian food or Chinese? :: chinese
Dark or light eyes? :: dark my mom and me
Streaked or dyed hair? dyed
Vampires or Gods? :: God (notice it is not plural)
Milk shakes or floats? :: a five dollar shake
Drugs or cigarettes? :: "I'd love a hand rolled smoke!"
Cake or pie? :: apple pie

Do you want to die? :: quickly
Do you brush your teeth :: every day.
Much time do you take to dress up? :: about as much time as it takes to get the tears off my cheeks, i'm ready to go!
Do you like your life? :: parts can be cool sometimes..i'm not happy with some people in it right now..but it's ok.
How well do most people know you? :: i wear my heart on my sleeve.
Often do you smile? :: i don't like to
Many times a week do you eat junk food? :: every day i think
Sing? :: often
Dance? :: see above..(better when intoxicated though!)
Laugh a lot? :: i try
Like spicy food? :: i'm a pussy..what can i say?
Prefer bagels over yogurt? :: with cream cheese
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? :: don't ask me that
Want one? :: fuck off
Think babies are cute? :: of course..just happy i'm not going to be having one any time soon.
Children in general? :: sometimes.
Believe in fortune cookies? :: they can be a good boost
Believe in life after death? :: Heaven
Believe in life after love? :: fuck off
Believe that anything is possible? :: if God's involved.
Believe that everyone has a purpose in life? :: yes
Know what yours is? :: to be a party favor to guys. for them to fuck me over and over, til they're tired of me. oh well.

You a girl? :: i hope so
You a comedian? :: when i'm drunk
Your friends true friends in your opinion? :: some are
You bored? :: bored with what? this survey..not really.

Your heritage :: irish, scotish, english, polish, german
Your hair :: ugly
Your eyes :: ugly
Your perfect mate (physical features) :: someone who doesn't hurt me..i don't care if he looks like meat loaf's butt, as long as he treats me right. but i do like tall guys.

Are your weaknesses? :: falling for assholes
Are your fears? :: heartbrokeness
Does your perfect pizza consist of? :: many of them
Is the difference between fate and destiny? :: no, both are pre-determined
Is one thing you would like to achieve? :: publishing my journal

Would you like to meet that you know online? :: on deadjournal...probably iamwhore or worshipcobain
Is the one person who makes you laugh the most? :: hannah
Really annoys you? :: jessica vincent..that whore!!
Could you not live without? :: jesiah or hannah

Three things
you love :: youth group, driving, french toast
you hate :: people who use me for sex, boring books, rejection
that annoy you :: squares who need to get a life
you avoid :: confrontation, gaylen, 5th period
that are most important to you :: friends, food, love
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