Jan 27, 2005 08:05
Write a thing you have in your room for each letter of the alphabet.
2. Bold your fave 5 things.
3. Underline 5 "weird" things.
4. Now people should comment asking for a picture of one of your listed things
5. Post that picture!
6. Hope that others do the same meme so you can go and comment!
A - altar
B - betta fish
C - cesar dog treats
D - dog dishes
E - eukanuba puppy food
F - fridge
G - gamecube box
H - halls fruit breezers
I - inhaler
J - jewelry
K - kennel
L - love spell body shimmer
M - magazines
N - night time - tylenol sinus
O - oil burner
P - pringles
Q - queen sized bed
R - remote control
S - soda
T - tv
U - MY UVULA <3 (don't ask for a picture)
V - MY VAGINA <3 (don't ask for a picture)
W - witch bell
X - xhibit song on my pc
Y - yellow push pin
Z - zipper