Nov 10, 2004 13:32
Following, the following of the last PRIOR list and descriptions details, what's more, why not have another? And another? And another?? Nooooo thanks she says, iii'm already consuming WAY too MUCH sugar as it is and besides, who can deal with all the glamour, glucose, red, candies, and gum in my hair for this lifetime.
Queenies, who get's 'em?
If you are prepared to read, I have devised a plan of comprised things in-stereo-list which i have to have to say.
Love, Buscuits, and Not Cool Logies go to:
*Looking like a strung out science experiment, with full knowledge and intent to do so. Didn't Christina Aguilera say it "you are beautiful, no matter what they say?". Yes, she probably did, but if ever there was a person to be so intimately paralelled to all things gross, over done, overcompensating and contrived in search of frantic indentity like the changing frequency of an AM radio dial for a chanel without fuzz, it was probably her. Deal with it, your not a kook. So why not just make the best of NOT being one? Nine out of Ten Mudvayne fans wear lipstick and posess a penis. And even they are cooler than you right now. It just simply, well, sucks the proverbial "big one".
*If it enters your mind to reconnect with someone, don't decide to do it ever 'immediately'. Because sometimes it is after 12 at night, and well, you never know, but they may just be sleeping. Besides, there are plenty of hours and noted opportunities AFTER your new epifany to get these things done. Plus it'll probably up your chances in the 'piss off' stakes.
*Good Charlotte action figurines.
Can also be used as Day Of Contempt figuines, with interchangeable tattoos, make-up, and seats for kissing circles. Combine with Matel* Barbie or *Bratz Dolls to make your very own Good Charlotte video clip, aka, the one with the many tattooed men-boys and the admiring blonde girls who keep touching in amazement at the great, manly, protecting yet brutal tattooed arms of the alterna-skate-core men-boys who have been fashioned as someone who tried out for Suicidal Tendencies, and didnt make it past the initiation beating. And straight to the modelling agency with thee, and stuffed down the General(s) Pants. (draw own conclusions from last statement to the connection with cock, either way, it's funny.)
*Channel 7.
If there was a channel that was ever made from the scrapings of cheap MacDonalds and family budget restraunt dumpster walls, here is your prime time viewing station.
-Dancing with The Stars - Today Tonight - Home AND Away - Blue Heelers - Every possible show ever made featuring the decrepit corpse, Georgie Parker.
*Being over 30 and dating the young, stupid, and barely legal.
Yes, in some cultures, this is said to be ok. Even a really good thing if you can score it. Just look at Leisure Suit Larry, the man was awesome. However, this is generally a fairly sad to lame practice, mainly carried out by mid-life-crisisers who are still coming to terms with the affects age can have, facialy, self-hygenically, and socially, for exapmle, like the point when the only ones who DONT know what a lame , old, uncool douchebag you are, are the only ones who'll have you. These relationships will though, only last for several months, at the point they hit of age where your wrinkles look more defined. Thank god for more people having babies. It keeps you in certainty of a new girsfriend in the next 2 weeks or so.
that's the recognised it for the moment.