Yesterday was great. First it was my lil bros birthday. he's awesome. So yea. Ummm Anyways after schoool I went to kell's since we got out at 12:10. We went walkign to go get food and a smoothie. I got my brother a mini b day cake to sing to him when we got back to Kell's house. So on the way there we were waiting for some car to stop so we could
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dude make and lj cut that
shit it to long to read
i love you <3333
jk damn alright ima shut up now.
peace <333
' I '
(one of those stupid faces Gwen makes) haha u know they're cool. she's on CRACK> Yet my sister's cooler than yours and so is her BOYFRIEND!! Woo hoo I love my gwen and her Justin. They're the tytest mother fuckers besides MOTHER FUCKING LYNCH!
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