It's really not that I'm wishing I was a young girl of 21 again (although secretly I really do), but for the first time in a really long time, I've begun to appreciate television. Really appreciate it, and I don't mean just watching Family Guy because it's on. But don't misunderstand, I'm not someone who will plan her day around the hours of 8-10 because my fav Idol is going to totally deliver tonight. No sir, I'm a TV on DVD kind of girl.
It started with Lost. EVERYONE was talking about it, "omg, do you watch lost?" I felt like I would never truly be able to relate to my mom until I watched it. So I rented the first DVD, and it was good.
So I got through about two Lost DVDs, loving every minute, and Abhik stood aside and rolled his eyes. I tried to tell him how exciting it all was: "THEN CHARLIE STEPPED ON A BEEHIVE AND I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO PEE MY PANTS." "AHHHHHHH BROTHER SISTER KISSING GROSS!" But apparently, he saw enough that he wanted to see more. Now we're both hooked. Sometimes, when we're done with a DVD, I'm afraid we'll both burn about $30 at blockbuster to see the rest all at once. MOAR. But no, I tell him that he has to wait until Blockbuster gets this one back and then they'll send another. We must be patient.
Then I started thinking about how exciting this show was. The American Public may actually not be retarded! So last week I rented Season One Disc 1 of Dexter. I'd heard good things, in fact I think Melanie named her dog Dexter as a rough homage. Can't argue with that--apparently I love Bruce Springsteen about that much. The first episode was... iffy. But after the next few, I've found something to distract me from Guitar Hero on days where the mail and the writers of lost just aren't fast enough.
Soon I'll be looking for a new fix. Any suggestions? So far, I've exhausted the Curb Your Enthusiasm and Arrested Development series, and if you haven't seen either, get to it. Also, when art imitates life, except only in the still-frame shots:
Hey I recognize those dudes, except Abhik isn't Iraqi and I'm not spoiled.
Also, does anybody know this dude?
If you meet him, tell him I'm ready to be his science writer when he is. Consider this blogpost about television to be my portfolio.