Nov 25, 2004 19:30
yeh well thanxgiving was not pleasant!!! hmmmmmmm yesum lets see im thankful for: getting a fuckin chipped tooth and bein little miss snaggle tooth!!! yeh not cool. ok last nite was cool cuz garrett came back in town to visit and he was staying at luke's and we had a little field party that was fun. alright so i get home around 12 right and i go straight to bed and its not like im dead fuckin drunk im like the perfect "drunk" but able to function. i got to sleep then wake up at 4 in the morning realizing: " shit man im fuckin thirsty" so i go into the kitched get a glass and before i can pur water i just fuckin pass out right then and there. now i dont know if it had anything to do w/ me bein drunk but this has happened to me before when i was sober just not as bad as this morning. well ya i fall down broken glass everywhere im passed out my parents come out to c what the fuck is going on they see their darling kid passed out on the floor w/ broken glass everywhere and they realize ok yeh somethin is wrong. they jumped 2 the conclusion that i was on drugs but no. so my mom drags me into the bathroom and i like faint again and only this time: now get this kids i fuckin eat shit hard and chip my front tooth. so yeh im snaggle. finally my mom splashes cold water on my face. woah man that wakes me the fuck up!!! then things were all ok from there w/ my parents but my fuckin tooth wtf????? worst day!!! i hope i can get it fixed by tomm. or else im gonna flip!!!!!!! well bye all u lucky bastards that have all ur way cool front teeth!!!!