Jun 18, 2005 23:53
So today i came back from Nevada. Was pretty cool staying up there and visiting Kelly and her family. Only thing that sucked was there weren't much hott guys up there. Sorry Kelly that blows..... anywho, I'll be 18 the 29th this month! Woop woop! Don't exactly know what i'm gonna be doin for my b-day.... but i'll figure somethin out. Yay Kelly, your coming down on my b-day....... thats right biznatch. Ummmm......... I don't know what else to really write in here. Oh.... uh.... ppl need to call me so we can hang out this summer and get way trashed!!!! Live it up botches its summer and the livin' s easy!!!! Aright.... I really don't know what the deal w/ my cell phone is..... i guess you can try calling it....... but supposedly it's supposed to get de-activated today or something...... so here is my house #..... 596-0823 just dont call me after 9 p.m. cuz parents are sleeping. Welp I think thats all........ out.