Summary: What was once a highly desired and sought after band has just quit the music industry, with major shocks along the way and all three former rock stars have their battles to deal with.
Chapter Summary: An out of the blue phone call from Em.
Length: 1,388 words
Feedback: Better than Mikey Ways nerd glasses! (Yeah, it means THAT much to me...)
Beta: Don't have one, I am my own worst enemy when I comes to spelling and grammar...
Rock Star Escape
Part 7
I woke up for once, in total peace. It was another lovely day, the sun burning through the gap in the lace curtains. It was begging to be freed, so I got up from my comfort to free it. I got up smiling, something I hadn’t done in a long time; I couldn’t even count the days it had been since I had woken up genuinely happy. After I had freed the gorgeous sun, its rays beat down on me with such force I had to squint. This is what life is all about, only it’s meant to be enjoyed with friends. Friends I missed wholeheartedly.
Looking out into the open blue skies, I decided it was only fair to spend another night here before I waded my way home. I didn’t know what direction I was going, home was straight down, only about an hour and a half below Wembley Stadium itself. It was sort of a detour, to find myself and work out where I was metaphorically speaking going. People always said, ‘you can’t run away from your problems’ but it wasn’t really like I was running away; just taking a break from all the stress and annoyance that is my life and my future.
Opening myself up to my travels home seemed like a horrid thought at first, but I was welcoming the idea. As a distraction I decided tonight I would check out some of the local pubs and bars I had seen while driving through the small town. I hadn’t been to a bar though since I had my friends with me, sort of to protect me I guess. I hadn’t had a beer, wine, champagne, spirit or shot for about a week, I deserved something! It wasn’t like I was giving up alcohol; I just wanted to clear myself for a while, having drunk enough in the past couple of years. But now was the time to come back into it, I had promised myself I’d never drink as much as I had though; couldn’t have been healthy!
It was time for a shower, to get ready to go out for breakfast again. Those Royal Canadian Pancakes were so delicious, I might even have them again! Refreshed after a nice cool shower, I laced up my Silver Converse tight. They were my favourite shoes, they pretty much brought confidence with every step and I loved them; wouldn’t change them for the world!
I looked at myself through the full length mirror placed by the bathroom door. Purple tips brightening my hair immensely and completely clashing with bright green skinny jeans; all of it of course topped off with silver converse. I was never one to care about style or matching colours really, I had always turned heads not planning to, just doing so with my weird style. The only thing missing from my outfit was my trademark guitar pick necklace. I wore it wherever I went, it was almost like a comfort blanket to me. Everything I wore was my trademark and could be recognised easily, but I wasn’t trying to get noticed. Although going to a bar this soon may be a little risky… I had only been to a quaint hotel and the looks I was given there were enough, but everyone in a bar or pub is either trying to get drunk or already drunk anyway, they would hardly notice me walk in.
At that moment Exo-Politics by Muse echoed through the room, I quickly scrambled to answer my phone, almost dropping it in the process. “Hello?” I answered and was greeted by a kind tone, Em. “Hey Cyndii, Just gotta make this quick, I don’t wanna disturb you or anything! A few days ago when you left Wembley, you left in a real hurry, yeah? Well you left your guitars and forgot to tell me were they were being sent!” Oh crap! I had too, in all the confusion! I had forgotten to label where they were headed. After the first couple of tours we decided after the tour or during a break in the schedule we would send the instruments where we were going, rather than taking them ourselves. We’d label them, Em would send them, easy. Only I had forgotten this time…
“Oh geez! Thanks Em, for calling me that is. Well what have you done with them for now? Did the others get their stuff sent?”
“Yeah, the others have their stuff now, just yours. I had to take them home with me, do you know how hard it is to take over 12 guitars with you to your house, when they aren’t even yours!” She was a little annoyed, but the smile in her voice shined through as she said it. “The stadium was gonna take them cos they didn’t know who owned them, you’re lucky I was there!”
“Oh wow, thanks Em! Well, if its still possible, and not too much trouble for you could you send them on over?”
“Yeah, course! Where you headed?”
“Well, you can just send them to my house in Southampton, I won’t be home for a couple days though, taking a detour and hoping I don’t get stalked on my way.” I replied, hoping she didn’t ask where I was headed, not even I knew, but I’d probably go home in the next couple of days anyway.
“Ok, done! They’ll be out soon! Hey you’re getting stalked too? Willow said she was having troubles with that, she had to go around the long way” She was so cheery, I admired that in her.
My face lit up, “Willow, have you been talking to her! Where is she, how is she? Where is she living?”
“Woah”, Em replied, “I gather you haven’t spoken to her in a while!”
“Yeah we had a major fall out after the speech, although I really regret it… So tell me, how’s she doin’?”
“Uhh, ok then, well she didn’t want me to tell anyone but a few weeks before Wembley, she bought that place in Leicester, although she wont tell me the address, she got me to ship her bass’ to her old place. To be honest, I’m worried about her Cyndii; she’s really depressed again…”
I was shocked; I knew she went through these patches of depression. It wasn’t a little thing either; it was always really bad, really serious! These were the times that she’d spend all day playing bass, just to let all her emotions out. She’d been like that for a really long time. Em realized I hadn’t been talking so she cleared her throat and proceeded to talk, “So I’ll send them to Southampton then, yeah?”
“Yeah, sorry, you’ve just given me a lot to think about! Just one last thing before I have to go, is it safe to listen to the radio and more importantly watch the T.V yet? I really miss it!” She laughed, “I gather you mean the fact that you guys were all that was talked about? Well, it’s died down the last 24 hours, though a couple of people on the radio and MTV are still talking about you.”
I was ecstatic, finally T.V time! I could watch the news now, and see what’s going on in the world! “Great, thanks Em, you’re an awesome friend/band manager, but I should get going, I’m absolutely starving!”
“Ok, it’s fine really, I love helping out! I’ll send those guitars off today, as long as you’re prepared to pay me, it’s really not cheap!”
“Oh, yeah, of course!”
“Just one last thing Cyndii, you’ve sold more albums than ever and ninemsn put out another daily poll; it was asking whether people still liked you guys or not. Over 90% of people still like you! And the comments were great, they still wanna see you out… Probably why they still get shocked when they see you out!”
“Oh, wow! Really? That’s great!” Today couldn’t have gotten any better!