Life's been weird. Last Saturday was both so much fun and horrible. I went to the beach with people for Tom's birthday, then hung out at his house in the hot tub that night, which was lovely and fun. But I also found out my mom's friend/ "cousin" JoAnn died. She had struggled with MS for about 23 years, so I guess it's better that she's not suffering anymore. But it was still so sad to go to the wake and funeral. I really can't stand wakes, they disturb and depress me so bad. I couldn't even make myself go up to the casket.
Other than that, I've been seeing friends and attempting to finish summer work. I can't believe how fast time's going. Yesterday was fun- me, Olivia, Katie, and Julie met Tom in the city after his last day of work and had dinner. We then played sardines in Toys R Us and bought a bunch of overpriced candy :D All in all, a good day. I love outings like that, it's just so great to get out and go somewhere instead of sitting around at someones house like usual.
I finished Chuck! It's such a good show, and I want crazy amounts of fic. I'm so glad I finally watched it.
Last but not least, happy belated birthday to