Aug 13, 2009 15:34
Wow, two posts within an hour! This is unheard of. I just really needed to get this off my chest.
Dear V,
I don't even understand how she could think like she does in this day and age. I opened a huge can of worms when I said I'm looking forward to dating a more diverse population of guys in college, because I'm so sick of my overwhemlingly white school district. She proceeded to say some realy offensive shit, saying that other races are gross, disgusting, etc. It was so horrifying. She hates immigrants, hates black people, hates Hispanic people, hates Asian people. Also, doesn't like Jews. Really, realy hates Muslims, and believes that all people who follow Islam are terrosists. I have no clue what planet she lives on. People like her make me lose a bit of faith in humanity, seriously. This probably shows how naive I am, but I didn't think someone my age was even capable of being that close-minded and just horribly racist. I'm so disgusted and terrified. There is no way I'm hanging out with her tonight. I also want a Muslim boyfriend right now, basically just to piss her off. Is there any way to deal with someone like this?
people suck,