this journal is primarily used for showing off my photography, there's very little--if any--actual journaling going on here anymore.
most of my photos are posted to
my flickr stream these days. so if you have a flickr account, that's probably the best way to keep up with my photography.
that said...
if you're interested in keeping up with my photography through your livejournal friends page, then feel free to add me--the more the merrier! :-) however, i don't check my "friend count" very often so unless you make an effort to get my attention, i'll probably not add you back. if that's important to you, then getting my attention generally means commenting on photos, asking questions...etc.
if i've added you as a friend out of the blue and you're wondering why or who i am, it's probably because i like your photography and couldn't find you on the flickr.
okay, that's it for now--enjoy!
Edit: November 15, 2009
Since I don't even post many photos on LJ these days, this account has gone somewhat dormant. If you're still interested in keeping up with me, here are some other places on the internet where you can find/connect with/follow/stalk me and my photography.
Stephen Gray @ FacebookFacebook Fan Page for my photography Flickr Photostream (xgray)
Photography Twitter (xgrayvision)
Personal Twitter (xgray: This one's locked, but if I know you virtually or in RL--you're in.)
Tumblr (xgray's things and stuff --> Stuff I find online: Photos, Art, Design, etc.)
Photography Website and Blog (