x. Has it really been that long?

Feb 14, 2023 04:55

I normally don't go and try to look for people's old blogs, but tonight, I decided to check old accounts that used to follow my ancient livejournal. I wanted to find hugstastic one and see if that still existed, but I saw a familiar account, and I decided to revisit once more. I'm surprised she still uses the same blog and does random postings. It's not frequent, but she did not forget her old blog site. I stumbled on this blog post, and I can't help, but to give it some attention.


Posted July 2014

i believe that in some alternate world, we figured each other out, got married, lived happily ever after, had a billion babies, and then died. in that place, i was more patient and you were more caring. at the moment, when we didnt fall out of love with each other, i was less needy and you were less emotional.

but the way it happened, in this time and dimension; you went from being my best friend to an absolute stranger. from somebody i talked to for hours everyday to somebody i havent talked to in years.

sometimes i wonder why because i look back and only see good memories. i think that’s my selective hindsight though. my once-best friend. i know it wasn’t always great. but past all the shit that got us here was everything that makes you … you.

the way you said “hey”. your humour. your boyish laughter. that didnt change. i still look at you and see everything i loved.

i have these memories that feel like they happened a couple years ago and not a decade ago.

i realized today that i forgave you. when it happened, im not entirely sure.
I really doubt it's me because I don't have a boyish laughter? but I'm sort of curious who she is referring to. It wasn't her ex-bf because they were still dating in that year (last I checked from her blog posts).

Anyway, in some ways, I'm glad that she decided to take more of a positive step in moving on from people. Compare to the past, this wasn't something she would do.

If there was a day, where the stars align, and we had the chance to rekindle or reconnect - and that is a big if - I will give it another go.
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