Feb 13, 2009 14:47
so i figured i would give you a second chance livejournal
so here is my rundown of this past week
we had an "exercise" at work... basically we wear chemical warfare suits and helmets and carry gas masks, we get "attacked" and we have to wear gas masks and stuff... it feels like you are breathing through a straw... always fun when you are wearing it for 2 hours at a time
so those were 12 hour shifts, but i only ended up working like 11 each day.
then i got off thursday morning, slept for a few hours... woke up and went to wendover, nevada.. or "mini las vegas" and decided "hey, why not gamble away the money the government just gave me"
after losing 200 bucks in like an hour and a half... i put 40 more down... and within an hour or so i got my 200 back plus some... i put that away and kept gambling and having fun... ended up walking out with a 100 extra dollars... so free beers, a night of fun and 100 bucks.. what else to ask for?
the only thing i am looking forward to now is the nba all star weekend... can't wait