Challenge 3:
kristallmond 2nd-
eeskahill11 3rd-
kristallmond Mod's-
faetis Special Challenge:
Congratulations to
blackrosesredxx who one our layout banner challenge !
blackrosesredxx'sbanner will be used in our new layout (which should hopefully be out soon, it depends on how crazy school is for me).
Congrats everyone, it's all fantastic stuff !
If you would like a banner, just comment =)
And don't forget to enter this week's challenge
1.01-Pilot !
New layout is up. I'm still working out some of the bugs, but it should work. Unfortunately, I have to put all images and stuff behind a cut (or so I think, I haven't really figured this layout out yet). So until then, there's going to be alot of shifting and whatever. If this layout doesn't work out, expect another one up =P