Dec 13, 2004 15:52
yesterday (sunday) i went to the market got bare christmas presents for my family, im in the compuitor room and today has been hectic people have been argueing with maddie cause she called all my friends slappers and personally im not having that cause she knows that she is in fact twice as much as a slapper than them, and im not even going to mention the things she has done to fuck up her life.
im bare tired and this girl next me is totally coping me it quite funny actually cause i have l;ike two pictures of christina aguilera on my daybook and her name like decorated so she saw it and she has printed of a pic of gwem stefani and stuck it on her daybook with her name decorated craplly above the pic....
just working on my essay which i have just started on today and has to be in tomorrow morning, its about stupid work experience and jobs and what we wanna be when we are older...a complete loada crap because why do our school nedd to know what we are gonna be when we are older and they try and plan our life for us.....
this girl the one who is copying my idea on my daybook is cracking me up she just showed her friends and they were like wow that looks cool and then when that girl walked out the computor room i went to her friends ..she copyed m y idea and they were like oh wwhen she came back in they were all laughing at her and she was just like what????
haha shame on her
anyways muchos love amberxxxxxxxx