Jul 06, 2006 18:15
i lvoe my CITs like no ones business.
we are probably the closest group there has been in a very very long time. we all just "click" it is pretty incredible. i can't beleive the second week of camp is almsost over, it is a little scary to me. time flies by a little too fast. braintree fireworks last saturday were amazinggg!! such a good night. even before that, the day at maureen's was ridiculously fun, its maybe last tuessday? idk its amazing. amanda wilson = life & i'm so glad a met her. and me and nolan are like close again. love that boy!! even everyone else, i'm jsut so much closer too! I LOVE IT! and last night at amanda's. hahahah sooo good.
on another note.
all my classes are going really well.
i'm not off-key during showtunes two!
i was a born alto. haha umm what else?
broadway rep: sooooo good! we did steam heat (ehh), but we are starting the wedding singer!! that dance is friggan amazing and the song is soo catchy & me and amanda are parterns hahaha its jsut soo fun!
photo 2: hahahahaha i just absolutely lvoe that class. like a ridiculous amount. matt is so cool and wicked fun to talk to. idk i jsut lvoe that class! like the popele are fun and i just laught he whole time (even sometimes just creepily to myslef) hahah
multi-arts:we are doing soemthing this year that we have never done before which is soo cool. its like creepy and eery and murdery and everything soo good! gaahh i lvoe it! and i havea short aprt (as always) but no crawling invlved! so that is a plus. idk i think it is going to come together really well.
tv prodcution: ahh editing is sooo overwhelming!! but my grgroup is fun, teh whole american idol thing is going well.
and back to showtunes 2: so yay for me not being sooo offkey. i tried out for a solo, didn't get it, but i got a million compliments, so that was better than even getting it i think. footloose dance=life and so does lets hear it for the boy. so cute and good. and i'm soo excited for everyone to see it.
today's talent show with even made my life complete. like he was just soo amazing!! it is ridiculous!
& i just love my theatre boys. hahah they always make me smile. & my grils are fucking amazing!! like no one can ever compare.
even though i can be obnoxious, & have a wicked guilt thing. i lvoe act. like with my whole heart. and eveyday i'm reminded of that.
umm i'm about to do chores and head over jimmy's and be qicked queer and watch qaf. yuppp i'mthat lame. hahahahaha <333333333