Our inconceivable loss.

Oct 03, 2008 11:50

A few weeks ago my brother Peter and his wife June were killed by the Victorian Company. They refused to bend to the will of the Company and thus were removed. Of course legally this was covered up. Whilst this alone is horrific enough they killed my brother and wife in front of their daughter as she came home from the school house. I know perhaps I have not spoken much about my loss, my brother and I were close as children but not as men, he was older than I, more skilled. He was talented at carpentry when I... As a young man I was very different, it was my brother who helped me realise that I could be saved through faith, and that I was destined to be a priest.

Whilst we saw less of each other as we got older he became no less important to me, I was the one who married him to his wife June, younger than him, beautiful and cheerful. His work and her perfumery set the family up comfortably, and Belle was raised in a happy well off family.

It makes it more painful when a girl who had everything a girl need to be happy to have it ripped from her in such a way. I hope I can help her get through this pain, and that God will help me save her from her desolation.
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