Dec 10, 2003 01:06
Name three bad habits you have:
1: procrastinating
2: sleeping
3: the internet
Name four scents you love:
1: vagina
2: guitar on my fingers
3: christmas
4: marijuana
Name three things you'd never wear:
1: bikini
2: skort
3: jumper
Name four animals you like:
1: rabbits
2: penguins
3: sea lions
4: ducks
Name four television shows you love:
1: seinfeld
2: simpsons
3: rosanne
4: daria
Name four bands/groups most people wouldn't expect you to listen to:
1: christina aguilera
2: elton john
3: lynyrd skynyrd (that one's all tiffany)
4: jim croce
Name four drinks you regularly drink:
1. water
2. cranberry juice
3. ...
4. .. other juice?
Name four random facts about yourself:
1. I have multiple sex toys in my backpack.
2. I have Tourette's.
3. My background is a collage of my beautiful girlfriend.
4. I need to shower.
Name four random facts about your family:
1. My sister and I have the same middle name.
2. My cousin Matt is a heroin addict.
3. My 3rd cousin is the chief justice of the oklahoma supreme court.
4. My mom invited my dad and stepmom over for Thanksgiving... weird.
Have you ever . . .
1. Fallen for your best friend? ... no.
2. Made out with JUST a friend? yes
3. Been rejected? yes
4. Been in love? yes
5. Been in lust? yes
6. Used someone? before i dated tiffany, i used her.
7. Been used? yes
8. Cheated on someone? no!
9. Been cheated on? no
10. Done something you regret? my pot-smoking the other night.. is probably the biggest regret of my life. crazy.
Who was the last person . . .
12. You touched? mom
14. You hugged? mom
15. You instant messaged? annette
16. You kissed? tiffany
17. You yelled at? my sister?
18. You laughed with? mom
19. You had a crush on? uh.. tiffany?
20. Who broke your heart? no comment.
Do You
21. Color your hair? I have.
22. Have tattoos? not yet..
23. Piercings? 14g cartilage, labret, left eyebrow, septum.. 1/2" ears...
24. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? si... HAHAHAHA.
25. Floss daily? no.. i'm doing good if i remember to brush.. .. i'm greasy.
26. Own a webcam? no
27. Have AOL? no
28. What could you be doing right now besides this? writing a paper due tomorrow.. sleeping.
29. What are you listening to? nothing.
30. Chicken or fish? chicken
31. Do you have a favorite animal? bunnies..
32. Is ice cream the best thing in the world? definitely not.
1. What would your dream date be? an evening at home..
2. Single flower or a dozen? single
3. Silver, gold or platinum? silver
4. Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? home
5. Roses or wild flowers? depends..
6. Silly or serious romantic? depends..
7. Marvin Gaye or Barry White? barry white has an extra-cool voice.. come on.
8. Do you consider yourself a romantic? yes
9. Who else would you like to see fill out this survey? tiffany.
In the last 24 hours have you . . .
Laughed? yes
Helped someone? i helped my mom pick out a christmas tree and decorations..
Dissected something? my book for comp?
Drank? water is good.
Cut your hair? no..i thought about it though.
Kissed someone? yes
Missed someone? yes
Told someone you love them? yes
Hugged someone? yes
Fallen in love? uh.. no.
Met someone new? depends on how you define 'met'.. the women at lowe's were helpful.. and i'm pretty sure there were people in my sociology class that i've never seen before..
Q. What CD is in your CD player right now? it's empty.. still fresh from the move.
Q. Who is your favorite Spice Girl? doesn't it have to be ginger?. . automatically.
Q. Favorite fast food? it varies.. right now.. bueno..
Q. Favorite book? satanic bible
Q. Favorite Sports teams? um.. i don't know.
Q. Favorite song? depends.. right now i'm digging the new no doubt song.
Q. What room is your computer in? mine..
Q. What is your shoe size? 9 in guys?
Q. What do you want to be when you grow up? grown up.