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May 06, 2010 12:19

sooooooooooooooooooo spur of the moment everything.... its thurs 4/29 gina got back from gainesville and grant and i decide friday nite to buy HIM tickets adn that were going to orlando....

sooo sat i get outta work at 8 30 we loaded up the car and drive... 8 hours to tampa....
and ended up sleeping at rest areas.... WEIRD and unconfy in my crapp tiny car
oh well... we get there nap a lil went to super target to check it out and it was HUGE and really awesome... then todd gets off work we go to ORLANDO =D=D=D=D=D= and as im passing all the exits for disney world im freaking out cuz i want to go, but we were on a mission for HIM house of blues... which so happened to be downtown the disney market. lol so mickeys everywhere im happy we see HIM, it was awesome, i gota new shirt. its a cream colored, but looked white there -.- anywho how on the front is a blood splattered heartagram with their logo on the back and washed out wings... its neat afterwards we walked aroudnt he disney market and on the way home got a slurpeeeeeeeeeeeeee =D

sooo drivig into tampa i see starbucks every street corner lol... 7/11 !!!!!! SLURRRRRRRRRRRRRPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES.... jets pizza =D =D =D=D=D=D... last but not least the best part of this trip PANDA EXPRESS!!!!! WITH A DRIVE THRU!! ZOMG its own stand alone restuarant :3 :3:3:3

ummm anyways got home and called it a nite...

the next day went out with mandi to a mall in brandon that had ametro park! yay got new shoes and a shirt... came home and made fajitas

the next day went to two anime stores... one which was closed ...--.- the other was empty cuz they just got back from a con....sooo they were still unloading everythign....then went to ybor but walking about in 90degree weather... NO... plus itwas all bar pub tattoo hookah bar irishpub sex shop bar bar bar bar random shop bar resturant bar bar tattoo... it wasnt all that great... came home and got jets =D

the next day packed up and went out to breakfast at perkins... then started the drive home where grant randomly found my zune which made the trip... ummm i blew prob 20 on the vendind machines at the rest stops =D cuz i hit nearly all of em=D made me happeeeeeeeeee and yeah

it was a trip...


idk im home now

i need to finish ginas mothers day gift...
i need to send my mom hers...
i need to reset my passwurd for target.... -.-
i need to call someone for the dryer cvuz ofcourse it broke last ntie when i was trying to do laundry to have a clean uniform for work today
i need to go to work today but i dont want to..... :/

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