Aug 10, 2011 19:02

This is for mezcamorii  Sorry it took so long! But I'll just toss it up here for everybody, because this stuff is the best ever and my absolute favorite, hands down, and it would be a crime not to share. <3

Prune Cake!


-1.5 cups sugar
-2 cups flour
-1 box of prunes (okay, just buy a box. They do sell them, hopefully near you. You put them in a little water and let them simmer and then cut them up)
-3 eggs, beaten!
-1/2 cup buttermilk 
-1 cup veggie oil (I just use canola if that helps)
-1 teaspoon baking soda
-1 teaspoon salt
-1 teaspoon nutmeg
-1 teaspoon cinnamon
-1 teaspoon vanilla (you can use the fake imitation kind. It's all good. I just use whatever's handy.)

YOU CAN ADD PECANS IF YOU WANT, but I hate pecans. So I don't, obviously.

Put all DRY ingredients together, mix well! (Use your mixer if you've got one! I love mixers.) Add oil, buttermilk, eggs. Beat in the prunes. Bake at 350 degrees F for 1 hour.

If you want a glaze topping (okay, I prefer it without this, but if you're feeling extra sweet...)

-1 stick butter
-1/2 teaspoon baking soda
-1/2 cup buttermilk
-3/4 cup sugar
-1 teaspoon vanilla

(Yes, a whole stick of butter lol.) Bring to a boil and let it cook for a minute or two, then pour it over your hot cake! :D

And in other news, I got new sheets for my bed todaaay~ Hooray! And I did a crapload of laundry. And filled up all the soap dispensers in my house. And watched a lot of Kitchen Nightmares. SPEAKING OF WHICH, I can't watch Kitchen Nightmares without eating something! It's going to make me fat!

(PS: speaking of fat, I also have mean banana pudding and carrot cake recipes, if anyone is craving.)


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