Title: On the Subject of Names
xglassRating: T? M? Whatevs.
Character(s) or Pairing(s): SuFin
Warnings: Finland. Prepare yourself.
Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.
Summary: In which Finland tests Sweden's patience rather he realizes it or not.
Oh, Finland. <3 )
I don't like VS underwear anymore. D: I used to get their pink stuff (5 for 25 woo-hoo) but then they switched fabrics to this weird, cheaper stretchy-spandex stuff and the writing got less cute and more slutty, so I switched to Aerie. Aerie has some hella fugly girly prints, but their boyshorts are comfy and they have some cute prints sometimes so I'm satisfied. I need to go bra shopping badly. I haven't since maybe 10th grade and I have changed a bit since then haha! My sister needs some too and so we'll probably go on a winter bra spree with our Mama and her credit card. XD Then we'll pretend it didn't happen and let her wrap them and give them to us for Christmas. And act surprised, of course!
It's weird because I don't need to go shopping this year. I got all my gifts in Italy. I can avoid the crazy traffic! Yay!
I still buy VS undies. But I am down with slutty, lol and I always get a gift card for Xmas!
Woo-hoo gift cards! Definitely a reason. :D It's like free cash, yesss. <3
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