Jul 03, 2004 01:42
and here is another survey. the noize metal really gets to you.
. x . I N F O R M A T I O N . x .
Name: Gila, Monster
Single or taken: owned
Sex: penis
Birthday: may 19, 1980
Sign: taurus
Siblings: ate them
Hair color: none. i'm a reptile.
Eye colour: blue
Height: 5-11
. x . R E L A T I O N S H I P S . x .
Best friends: they're cool
Boyfriend/girlfriend?: j-bomb
. x . F A S H I O N | S T U F F . x .
Favorite place to shop: porn shop
Tattoos or piercings?: RAGE
. x . S P E C I F I C S . x .
Drugs?: yellow 5
Shampoo?: "head" and shoulders
What are you most scared of?: armadillos with big teeth
What are you listening to right now?: zack, greg, manda talking about cars
Who's the last person who called you?: j-bomb
Where do you want to get married?: Lubbock, Texas
How many buddies are online right now?: do i resemble a computer.
What would you change about yourself?: less of a complete failure...more of a partial one.
. x . F A V O U R I T E S . x .
Color: burgundy - the blood of a rodent
Food: hot saucy coochie
Boys names: Jarvis McGee
Girls names: Shequencha
Subjects in school: summer vacation
Animals: i've befriended a crow
. x . H A V E | Y O U | E V E R . x .
Given anyone a bath?: aunt thelma
Smoked?: only the finest
Bungee jumped?: my ass
Made yourself throw up?: when i sucked dick cheney's dick and i wanted to throw up on it
Skinny dipped?: with the elderly
Ever been in love?: yeah - with a dust mite
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: talk about "unethical"
Pictured your crush naked?: do i look like a pervert?
Actually seen your crush naked? i ordered her to be decent
Cried when someone died?: laughed
Lied: only when i have to poop
Fallen for your best friend?: then i fucked her with a goat
Been rejected?: by everyone
Rejected someone?: everyone
Used someone?: for meat
Done something you regret?: ????
. x . C U R R E N T . x .
Clothes: zoot suit
Music: Toad & The Wet Sprocket Vs. Tonic...THE REVENGE.
Annoyance: the living & breathing
Smell: the scent of fat juicy pussy
Desktop picture: see above
Book you're reading: Abortion for Dummies
CD in player: The Spin Doctors "Bleeding Your Weak Ass Dry"
. x . L A S T | P E R S O N . x .
You touched: amanda
Hugged: amanda
You IMed: uh...do i look like a doctor?
You yelled at: probably my mom
You kissed: j-bomb...ho
. x . A R E | Y O U . x .
Understanding: only when condoleeza rice is there to cover my ass
Open-minded: towards butt
Arrogant: only fools are "arrogant"
Insecure: yes...bugs can crawl in my butthole
Random: surf's up!!!!
Hungry: for satan
Smart: when condoleeza rice built me a puppet and i talked from it
Moody: DOOMY.
Organized: obsessive compulsive disorder.
Healthy: sick every other week for the past week
Shy: when condoleeza rice smiles at me
Difficult: i have an ass...of course i am.
Attractive: GQ good looks and a 10 inch cock to boot!
Bored easily: when condoleeza rice is trying to teach me about foreign nationals.
Responsible: i lost my mother's car in the parking lot of kmart when there were two cars there.
Obsessed: when condoleeza rice wears my cowboy hat and sings "Frere Jacque"
Angry: at the idiot who is still reading this
Sad: when condoleeza rice left me for a ham sandwich
Happy: when i eat aspartame pie!
Hyper: on crack and diet coke
Trusting: i trust you about as much as i trust arthur treacher's to whip me up a good fish and chips deluxe
. x . W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A . x .
Kill: everyone
Slap: the maker of this unending combobulation of useless information
Get really wasted with: jesus christ
Get high with: a mouse i'm about to eat
Talk to offline: do i look like a computer?
Talk to online: see above
Sex it up with: god.
. x . R A N D O M . x .
In the morning I am: in the midst of the worst nightmare i have ever had
All you need is: love, love is all you need.
I dream about: being done with this reprehensible shit
Sexual preference: national security advisors who have oil tankers named after them
Any fetishes: cheese and butt hair sandwiches
. x . W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R . x .
Coke or Pepsi: diet coke
Flowers or candy: flowers...for algernon
Tall or short: sprout
. x . W H O . x .
Makes you laugh: some asshole
Makes you smile: when i'm done with this fucking shit. fuck all of you who ever think its a good fucking idea to make surveys "online." fuck your soul and your rampant ass.
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: josh
. x . D O | Y O U | E V E R | . x .
Look for your soul mate online: do i look like a computer
Save conversations: when they're with...condoleeza rice
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: i've always been a raging slut of a woman even though i look like a man who looks like a woman.
Wish you were younger: when i was young i'm not a kid anymore.