Jan 30, 2005 19:20
Chosen Ear Bleeder: New disease - Spineshank
i am getting frustrated with certain people, they are shitting me off badly and i dont feel like ever contacting or wouldn't mind not seeing them ever again..or at least for an extended period of time until they can get over themselves and start acting like human beings and not being so god damned defensive and uptight around me. arg i am pissed off now and i dont want to be. fuck them this is the first shitted mood in a while...
ok getting better slowly but surely getting there.. i bought cd's today, spineshank, placebo and amen plus a sum41 dvd...yea sum41 are pop punk and whatever u want to say about them but i was watching their clips and they are funny so i figured i would enjoy their dvd..it's an old one though...but still..cone is hot..so..lol bonus for me:P lol yea they are weird but funny...ah well i think so...
slipknot, japunga and hatebreed have come and gone they were fucking wicked \m/ yea it was uber fun tom got all 'gothed' up for it and i took photographic evidence :P which i am yet to get developed. umm metal madness has also come and gone it was also fucking wicked yea music scene has been good as of late but i think it's going to be dead for a while now....ah well i've had a gigantic amount of fun so all is good.
umm i signed all fo the official papers for my apprenticeship...so that's also fucking good...umm yea i dunno i went of a big splurge and bought shit i dont need cause i'm stupid and felt like spenidng a shitload of money. and yea..i have to start saving to go down to hair expo in sydney in june i think...
umm yea...i'm trying to think of shit that has happened to me lately...i dunno things have been good and bad and everything else in between so..lol...i'm friends with katherine again..althought i did have the most deep-seeded hate for her not too long ago it was hate directed at someone else but taken out on her because she reminded me of them...so yea..i dunno it seems things wit her are back to normal..that is good..
i have to make alisha her tie...i will as soon as i can..prolly on my day off this week...:D i hope it turns out..my acey tie kick ass i love it so very much,....and i have an ace of spades patch i got the last one and a pair of ace of spades earrings...:D mmm acey..obsessions are super fun :P
well i'm off to go find out who that hot dude was from the metal madness gig :P lol go me and my shallowness hooray for it all and all it's glory. bye