"..These Are The Words That Tear Us Apart.."

Dec 20, 2004 11:49


This weekend was haaaaaaaaaarsh - but fuckin ace at the same time. Friday was sposed to be a few drinks up Karns...I ended up gettin battered (even though I didn't drink that much) and sliding all over the table. Everyone else left, so I ended up going to the Greyhound with Chloe and Laura, and just hung with Kingey and Ash for a bit...ended up going back to Karns where it had become a lot more rammed...hung with PLS crew for a bit, then got cornered into a conversation with 'Shaky' Jake Hill (yep, he's still an ass). Went to Brannigans for like 10 minutes but it was shit, so I got some food, got a taxi with this random couple who then insisted on paying for it, so I'm not one to disagree with that.

Saturday daytime I did fuck all, apart from try and get my head together for another big night ahead. Kicked off round mine at 7.15, with everyone and their mother turning up (well, all 8 of you anyway). So much funny shit happened on Saturday that I really can't go through it all...So, I'm gonna summarise:

Gav downing a double Absynth with added hot pepper sauce (dude, seriously, if you hadn't have drunk it I wouldve understood).

White Russians becoming the obvious drink of choice (it gets you battered, yet tastes fuckin ace)

The formation of Thundercunt - the best metalcore band you're ever likely to witness...and I'm on vocals

Paying £6 to get into Elements to stay there for 20 minutes before leaving...not very funny, except when you add the fact that Nick paid £6 and was only there for about 2 minutes.

Nick cheekily asking the Elements bouncer for his money back....surprisingly, the answer was no.

Nick scaring the bouncer in Brannigans : "Fuckin hell mate. Just paid £6 to get in Elements, get in there, and this twat (pointing at me) tells me we're leaving after 2 minutes. Fuckin Get Your Head Round That!!" He was quite worried that we were mental.

'Get Your Head Round That' becoming phrase of the month.

Listening to Guy tell me about his Bulgarian girlfriend (who is well hot apparently) and how phonesex is a thing of the past, and that webcam sex is the way forward...yeah, thanx for that.

Me and Nick actually being disappointed when Brannigans finished (I mean, that never happens)

Gav pretty much dying due to mass alcohol intake...and having to be carried home by Sam.

Me nearly going through the glass food cabinet thing in Chefs...just fell into it and it moved...surely it shouldnt move.

Freezing my balls off for 40 minutes waiting for a taxi...fuckin Hinckley..

So, looking back on it, it was the best weekend I've had a for a long time...Didn't feel too great yesterday...wanted to die at practice...but the McD's on the way home settled me down.

This week there is an opportunity of a unprecidented 'quadruple' header - Thursday cos, well, I finish work and Thursdays always used to be good in the summer...Friday, cos its Xmas Eve and is easily the best night of the year...Saturday, Xmas Day, round Nick and Hannah's in the evening for the 'Friends-style' get together...and Boxing Day, well, cos its just another excuse to go out...Its gonna burn my wallet deep, but what the hell, what other time of the year can you rationalise doing this sorta thing...

Right, I spose I better actually do some work...Catch you all later in the week

Peace xx
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