(no subject)

May 14, 2006 16:27

Before you read this, im just complaining for the heck of it. Dont call me an "EMO" kid or dumb crap like that. Everybody complains and just cause they do doesnt mean they are emo. Everybody needs a day and/or days where they can just piss and moan and i want to know if anyone agrees with me on some of these things. these are just a couple of things i think about every day. If you have something clever to say at the end of this. then keep it to yourself.

• Have you ever felt like everything you’ve been working on has come to an end and you are completely out of ideas?
• Completely drained and looking for a way to get back and relax away from everything but your in a room all by yourself with all the time in the world?
• Ever caught yourself saying you want to go home but your already there?
• I want to go home.
• Ever felt bad when you cant help someone but they beg you to and you beg yourself to help them.
• Can’t stop thinking “Whats the worst that could happen?” and realize it could actually happen and completely forget about whats good.
• Realize all these bad things are happening but you are to overwhelmed you don’t know how to make them stop.
• Feel dumb for pittying yourself but you don’t want others to thinking you’re an “emo” kid, as people put it.
• Want to hit someone in the face just to make you feel better.
• Write a song but you cant come up with the words or music.
• Everythings already happened in this world and there is nothing you can do to make people take a good look at you.
• Ever wanted to abolish reputations? Especially yours, even if you don’t know what it is.
• Spend another day in a new persons body to see what others say behind you.
• Be the best you can be but cant get the best to come out.
• Want to touch God so bad you try to hard and stress yourself out.
• Put somebody in there place when you cant.
• Make people think you’re a great person.
• Open peoples eyes to the good things.
• Ever felt like you cant breathe and just want to scream until you passout so you wont have breathing as another thing to worry about.
• Want to believe high school love is real.
• Ask people why they do things without them getting offended.
• Make common sense common again.
• Have people be “brutally honest” without being a dick.
• Scream cause that’s all you can think to do.
• Completely start over but you don’t want to be forgotten for who you are now.
• Believe that the deep breathe you take in to calm down will actually work one time.
• Tell somebody to “Fuck off!” and they say they are sorry and make things better.
• Give people back the loved ones they lost.
• Give every sick and dying child in other countries a home.
• Ask everyone who reads this the maturity not to judge me for my personal thoughts ive made public.
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