(no subject)

May 23, 2005 21:37

im going to put in and entry of my opinions. you may not want to read this, and if you dont want to then dont. and if you do read it, just remember these are my opinions and you dont have to agree with them but i'd rather have you not comment about how you think im wrong.

I really wish i could have voted this election year, however, much to my dismay, i have not reached the age of 18 yet, though i doubt my vote would have made a difference anyway. Instead, this entry will be the vessel in which my voice is made audible, and the opinions expressed are mine, and mine alone. I hope you enjoy my radical ranting.

i feel that the window of opportunity to make a difference in closing, and that every year we lose America more and more to greedy politicans, governments, banks, corporations, and organizations, largely because the American people have become too lazy to do their job of over seeing their own government, and would rather watch American Idol.

A lot of people who weave these webs have the money to do almost anything they want, because once you become part of the elite "wealthiest one percent," you are above the law. Your money keeps the law from dissolving into chaos. Most of these 'elitists' arent just 'lucky' in their business ventures or inheritances, their money still largely belongs to those who helped them get it, to organizations that breed the rich and powerful in exchange for furthering their agendas, organizations like the Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, and the Illuminati.

Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones are hardly blimps on the radar compared to the Bilderberg Group, or more importantly, the infamous, Illuminati. These two are the ones behind many of the major political decisions and events of the last century. A former Nazi prince of the Netherlands started Bilderberg in 1954, and the group is named after the hotel in which they first met. Every year they meet with the most influential folk in the western world, like presidents, vice presidents, princes, princesses, kings and queens, as well as CEO's and Hollywood giants. All of who met last year in Versailles, France. Security is ultra tight, and nothing that is said in the meeting is ever to leave. Most of the attendees are known globalist advocates, and have been known to use the terms, "New World Order" in their speeches. I'm not pretending to know what they discuss, but if it is for the good of the people, and more importantly the good of the world, why cant we know what they are talking about?

Little information is availble about the "Illuminati" that isnt already known. As far as i know, they've existed at the very least sinse the 1800's or longer; they keep themselves out of the public eye, and have the money and power to keep it that way. They have their hands in everything, world banks, governments, and corporations, possibly even our own treasury. The next time you have a one-dollar bill, take a look at the back, and notice the pyramid with the eye on top. That is the Illuminati's trademark symbol. There isnt just one Illuminati group; there are various families, like in organized crime, each with their own specialties and each probably has its own symbols, but the pyramid is the most noted and usually represents the Illuminati as a whole. These families might work with or against each other in attempts to further their own agendas, and this might play a part in many of the current events we hear about today. As a whole, i think they are working towards a common goal, a "new world order." Some Illuminated folks could have been the ones to start such factions as Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove, so as to attract more unknowing victims to work for them without knowing it. All in all, think "1984." If we are not enslaved by our own design, then the end of the world may come, though it may not be what we expect. All i am positive of is that our generation will see more change than any before us, and that we all need to be more vigiliante, and maybe even, as Zach de la Rocha said, "Take the power back."
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