Quiz I stole from Lisa/Ashley.

Dec 27, 2004 15:18

1.First grade teacher's name: Ms. Lariegh (sp?)
2. Last person you kissed: John (Ugh, the thought of it makes me want to vomit)
3. Last word you said: Bye
4. Last song you sang: Casey Jones
5. Last person you hugged: My cousin
6. Last thing you laughed at: My cousin, while she was iming all these people and telling them that she was a black male, from africa, who had aids, and had a pink penis pump, it was hilarious.
7. Last time you said 'I love you': Can't rememebr
8. What's in your CD player: Yes, Grateful Dead, and the first disk to the Nirvana box set.
9. What socks are you wearing: None
10. What's under your bed: Another bed, heh.
12. Current taste: Iced Tea
13. Current hair style: Uh, nothing, its just.. down..
14. Current clothes: Pajama pants, and Eric Clapton shirt.
15. Annoyance: ...
16. Current longing: ...
17. Current desktop picture: A Colage.
18. Current worry:
19. Current hate: ..
20. Story behind your live journal username: On the radio station I listen to (96.5) they have a program called "Get The Led Out" on at 10 oclock, where they play four tracks from Led Zeppelin.
21. Current favorite article of clothing: My new pajamas <33
22. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: Hair
23. Last CD that you bought: Uh, the last cd that was boughten for me was Neil Young and Crazy Horses "Rust never sleeps"
24. Favorite place to be: Outside.
25. Least favorite place: Winn Dixie
26. Time you wake up in the morning: For School, 7:20
27. If you could play an instrument, what would it be: Um, I play guitar.. But I'd like to learn the Harmonica..
28. Believe in an afterlife: I'd like to.
29. Current favorite word/saying:..
30. Favorite book: "The Pigman" by Paul Zindel (I remember how much you used to hate that book Ashley XD)
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Amanda Whale from my private school, we were best friends untill fifth grade..
35. Favorite day: Fridays
36. Where do you want to go: Pompano/ The UK
37. What is your career going to be like: Who knows?
38. How many kids do you want: I don't really think about that
39. What kind of truck will you have: Erm, truck? I want a VW van.
40. Type a line you remember from any book: ...
41. A random lyric: "Driving that train, high on cocaine"
42. Eye Color: Greenish-bluish
43. Hair Color: Black
44. Righty or Lefty: Righty
45. Zodiac Sign: Gemini
46. Innie or Outtie: Innie
47. Your heritage: I'm italian, can't you tell by my nose? n.n
48. The shoes you wore today: I haven't worn any shoes today..
49. Your hair: It's black, and I have bangs.
50. Your weakness: ...
51. Your fears: One of my closests friends dying, or any of my family members.
51. Your perfect pizza: Exra cheese
52. One thing you'd like to achieve:
53. Your most overused phrase on aim: ^_^
54. Your thoughts first waking up: "Should I get up?"
55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Height/hair
56. Your bedtime: Whenever
57. Your most missed memory: Hanging out with Ashley everyday after school/ swimming in the fountain with Ashley, Amberness, etc../ a lot of things
58. Pepsi or coke: Coke
59. McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
60. Single or group dates: single
61. Adidas or nike: Neither
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Neither, I like Arizona ^_^
63. Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla milk ^_~
64. Cappuccino or coffee: Both
65. Smoke: No
66. Cuss: Sure
67. Sing: In the shower n_~
68. Take a shower everyday: Usually, yes.
69. Have a crush: Yes
70. Who is he: ..
71. Think you've been in love: not really
72. Want to go to college: No
73. Like high school: --------------------
74. Want to get married: I don't know.
75. Type with your fingers on the right keys: no
76. Think you're attractive: Not at all
77. Think you're a health freak: No..
78. Get along with your parents: Yes
79. Play an instrument: Guitar
84. Go on a date: No
85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Um, I don't think so..
86Eaten sushi: No
87. Been dumped: No
88. Made homemade cookies: Yeas
89. Been in love: no
90. Gone skinny dipping: No
91. Dyed your hair: Yes
92. Stolen anything: No
93. Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No
94. Been caught Uh, no?
95. Been called a tease: I don't think so >_>;
96. Gotten beaten up: No
97. Changed who you were to fit in: Never
98. my name is: Dawn
99. height: 5'5
100. favorite toe: Um, my little toe?
101. in the morning i am: Smelly
102. all i need is: Music, my guitar, friends..
104. if i could see one person right now: Probably, Ashley.
105. i dream about: ..
108. been in love: No
109. cried when someone died: yes
110. lied: Of course
111. flowers or candy: Flowers n_n
112. tall or short: Tall
113. last person you slow danced with: ..
120. sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?:yes

122. Save aol/aim conversations: Not recently
123. wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no
124. cry because of someone saying something to you: Yeah
MORE Have You Ever...
125. fallen for your best friend: No
126. been rejected?: Yes.
27. rejected someone: Yes.
128. used someone: Yes.
129. been cheated on: I don't think so..
130. cheated on someone: No
131. done something you regret: Yes
132. you talked to on the phone: Jessica
133. hugged: Courtney
134. you instant messaged: Sheila, I think?
135. instant messaged you: Sheila
136. you laughed with: Courtney
Do You...
137. color your hair: Yes
138. ever get off the computer: Yes
139. habla espanol: a little

Do You/Are You...
142. could you live without the computer: Yes
143. how many people are on your buddylist: 138+45+15
144. what's your favorite food: Sphagetti
145. whats your favorite fruit: Grapes
146. drink alcohol: Not really
147. like watching sunrises or sunset: There pretty
148. what hurts the most, physical or Sometimes emotional pain: emotional
149. trust others way too easily: yes
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