Oct 15, 2005 16:21
Yesterday was Kaylins party! I had a lot of fun. Chad cracked me up, along with Tyler...but he didnt do YEAAAAAHHHHH, OKKKKAAAAYYYYY, or WHHAAAAATTT!!!!! Kaylin looked really cute, so did Lindsay, and I didn't look too shabby either. I'm glad I got to wear my Halloween costume. I've been impatient because I really wanna wear it.
This past week...it's been Spirit Week. I dressed up on clash day aka bum day but my clothes didnt match. A lot of people looked cute on celebrity day...I didnt do it. Twin Day w/ Britty, Linds, Ash, and Kels. We looked cute. I made 3 shirts...cause Britty sucks. lol. Me and Britty were late to school cause we went to Dunkin Doughnuts and we told the school her car broke down. They said thats no an excused lateness. That doesnt make any sense. I mean sure we were lying and all but I mean my mom said she would lie too. It's not your fault if your car REALLY DOES break down. seriously. Wednesday, I stayed after and finished decorating the business hallway. AND WE WON!!!! PIZZA PARTY!!! Then me and Julie went to her house to get some stuff, then to mine to finish our spirit day stuff. Jess and Laura came shortly after. Britty never came. We had so much fun. We were crackin up like whoa. Heres a rundown:
-Falling in the pizza
-Cussing to make the paint splatter
-Late night trips to Superfresh and Royal Farms
-Making Cupcakes
-Random Porno on TV
-Jessica getting paint on her butt
I love hanging out with them so much...its not even funny.
So Thursday Julie woke us all up at the crack of dawn to eat sun chips and finish our stuff. They all left and Britty came over and we worked on her stuff after visiting Michaels and Panera Bread, then Chinese Place, then Panera Bread AGAIN, then finally deciding on Taco Bell. So we came home and finished and I still wasnt finished when she left and I didnt go to bed until about 2am. Friday was awesome. I looked good along with everyone else and I got really really good pics. In Business we had a party and I laughed a lot because well its business and I laugh a lot. I love them so much. Val brought her baby. Hes so cute...I held him...and I was scared cause Ive never held any babies before. But yeah. After school we went to the mall with Zach and Street and got Zachs stuff for homecoming and I saw a tie that would match my dress perfectly and it made me sad because I dont have a date...but EVERYONE else in my group does :( oh well. Ill have fun dancing and at dinner and maybe not taking pics but yea.
It homecoming day and I am all ready and waiting for Street to get ready. I did our hair and it looks good if I do say so myself. And its kinda sad that I look better than I did for prom. I like my hair, make up, and dress better than my prom stuff. So Mark should be arriving shortly and pictures will occur at Kelseys, then the Olive Garden, then school, then Friendlys for ice cream, then Shanas party, then back to Streets. C-R-U-N-K!!!!!!!
RAVENS GAME TOMORROW!!! couldnt have been on a better day!!!! KIDDING. Im gonna be tired and sick.
and pictures soon because I kick ass and take entirely to many pictures. I think I might minor in photography.