
Jan 10, 2005 02:14

I had one of the funest weekends ive had in a long time. Friday was ok at school. I had to sit at teh "front desk" in mrs schroeders class. she hates me. After school, amanda came over and then we went to teh movies after we ate tacos. We saw white noise. Now, im going to make the attempt to name everyone that went... ready....

Me, amanda, stephen, bri, sofia, chris, russel, nikki, taylor, janie, raya, kevin, zack, elaine, cory, carlos, demi, courtney... and i forgot who else, but who cares?

It was fun, then we went to starbucks and then we hung out in rubios and then we left. yeah. Me and amanda were on the computer talking to people for a long time and then we talked to chris on the phone later. He played the guitar for me! yes! We went crazy.

on saturday we went bowling.Me bri amanda stephen and chris. It was alot of fun. I got second both times and bowled 130. Pretty good! I miss bowling with emizzil though. good times good times. then we took bri home and tehn went to kims house. Me and amanda had so much fun with teh little kids while the parents watched the game. we played hide and seek, hit eachother with blow up toys and messed around. We put makeup on teh boys too. these kids were from the ages of 6-12, and it was actually fun. Poor chargers lost in overtime. Guess it wasnt ment to be. then we came home and did really nothing. stephen called alot....

i was up till around 3 cause i had trouble sleeping. i was so lonely and amanda was sleeping so hard.

then we woke up and it was today. nothing greats happening. party, eh?

i really am missing linette right now...

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