drunk girl at the halloween party

Oct 30, 2005 13:34

So Last night I went to a Halloween party, I didn't get to dress up I only found out earlier that day so I didn't have time to come up with anything. But anyways it started off pretty boring. Then I started talking to this one girl (I wasn't interested or anything just someone to talk to) so she is downing beer like crazy, and getting drunk. Well after she had about 4 beers she started saying how she was only 18 and that she never drinks, I was thinking to my self "oh great this is going to get bad". So after the beer was gone she proceeded to have some wine, I tried to stop her from drinking anymore but the people she came with kept getting her more no matter what anyone said, it got sad real quick. She started calling me cute then kept asking me "did I say you were cute?" I would say yes, she would go "oh no, shhh, don't tell anyone this went on for like 15 minutes. She tried to walk to the bathroom and her first step she went tumbling down. some friends helped her I said bye and left. Gave me memories of me a few times and made me glad that I decided to stop drinking to get drunk, I don't really miss those days.

So the night was eventful but blah.....
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