Jun 15, 2004 17:20
Tomorrow is the last day of school. And i am SO effin excited! Yes i will miss seeing all my friends but oh well i'll see them in september, or august 31st supposedly lol that's when we go back. i can't wait to sleep late and stay up late! Yep i definately failed my History final! i know for a fact i did because it took me like..20 minutes to do and that's because i totally guess on EVERY one! lol i was on like number 40 something and it's silent and i can hear someones pencil, just fillin in the things, without even lookin at the booklet just going down and pickin a random number and i look back and it's liz! lol haha so that makes two of us that know we failed. it's not my fault, seriously though, Mr Ready doesn't deserve to teach. He is a VERY bad teacher just like Mr Cabral last year for math. Oh well, hopefully i won't ever have to go to Ready's class EVER again!
Well turns out, we're leaving for maine on Friday, not Thursday like we intended. And that is because Allisons uncle has to work on Wednesday night and would be tired on Thursday. Oh well, i'm sure i'll still have a good time..even though we'll be there for 3 days and 2 nights =/.
i need to get a damn job! i want money =( and i want my parents to stop hassling me! =( damn bitchs. ahhhhhhhhh anyone wanna help me out? lol aight well that's about all i have to say. lataaaaaaa