Title: How to Win Friends and Influence Ventilate People
Fandom: Dark Knight (Nolanverse!Batman)
Spoilers: Not really.
Pairing: Scarecrow/Joker
Rating: PG-13. I think.
Words: 495ish
Disclaimer: SEE ABOVE.
Notes: An Arkham Asylum meet-cute. Written as I try DESPERATELY to finish the Huge Crazy Joker/Scarecrow from LAST YEAR. It haunts me you guys. More to come?
(Fake cuts, fake cuts, you are delicious! I love you more than all the other ... LJ-cuts!) Crossposted freaking everywhere:
darkknightfic, and
batfic. Is that even legal?
*is never doing this to you guys again* *at least not unless the fic is ACTUALLY GOOD*