argh flarg

May 11, 2007 23:24

i cried like three times today. that's basically an all time record for this year. i'm pouring like crazy. i dunno why, but it feels like my life is falling apart. maybe it's cause i'm PMSing and stuff. or not. because that's never a good enough excuse but i just feel like crap today, and last night. i'm just overanalyzing things and underestimating myself. i feel so weak. i need a hug. i need a friend. *sniff* life sucks. i wihs i wasn't so stupid back then, and taken things for granted. he's probably like you deserve it bitch. because i do. i thought i was stronger than this. i don't need this now...but i just want him back. life sucks and you know it.

depressed, stuff, sad, emo, erik

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