Oct 25, 2004 23:47
just to get my lj started up again i thought id do 1 opf these cool questionare things
i stole this 1 from deb hasset
Nervous Habits: biting my nails
Are you double jointed?: i can crack my crotch bone
Can you roll your tongue?:yeh
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?:hell yea (my #1 skill)
Can you blow spit bubbles?: nope
Can you cross your eyes?: yea
Tattoos?: tried to make 1 but im getin a real 1 soon
Body piercings and where?: none
Do you make your bed daily?: lol i dont even have like fucking pillow cases on my pillows
Which shoe goes on first? always the left 1
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: im skilled at that art
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?:i dont have a wallet
what jewelry do you wear 24/7?: my hemp necklace i got in maine wiht eric
Favorite Pieces of Clothing: my belt
Pajamas: just boxers, some times i do sleep naked ;)
-- FOOD --
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl it
Have you ever eaten Spam?: im 15 and v never really understood what spam was so idk
Favourite Ice Cream Flavor: umm depends what mood im in
How many cereals in your cabinet?: i dont really eat cereal but probably just froot loops cuz thats all my little brother eats
What's your favourite beverage?: dunkin doughnts vanillia chi
What's your favorite restaurant?: salvatores
Do you cook?: yep
How often do you brush your teeth?: 1ce a day plus oral B brush ups!
How often do you shower/bathe?: every day
Hair drying method: towel
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: yea. it was mad blonde this summer but i grew it out :(
Do you paint your nails?: no
Do you swear?: i fucking curse whenever the right fuckign time to say shit occurs
Do you ever spit?: only if i see other ppl doing it
Animal: women
Food: anything except seafood
Month: either may or october
Day: wedensday
Shoe Brand: converse
Subject in school: boobies!
Color: green (matches my eyes) blue and black
Sport: im not a sportsy kid but i play with my buddies all the time
TV show: south park, 1 tree hill, jack and bobby, the mountain, fear factor, and the shit ** late night with conan o' brien**
Looking female Celeb: hmm lindsay lohan??
Thing To Do in Spring: i dunno. spring was so long ago
Thing To Do In The Summer: sex sleep and food
Thing To Do In Autumn: my fav star constellations come out :)
Thing To Do In The Winter: hybernate
The CD Player: hardcore mix
Person you talk most on the phone with: i havent really talked on the fone latly
Ever taken a cab?: no
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? yea all the time
What color is your bedroom?: used to be dark ass blue but now my new room is just plain ass white
Do you use an alarm clock?: my mom still wakes me up
Window seat or aisle?: if im sitting in a row with a stranger, isle so that way i can get otu faster if theres ever an emergency
-- LA LA LAND --
What's your sleeping position?: my arms some how have to be holding my pillow
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: yeh
Do you snore?: the morning after u can let me knw ;)
Do you sleepwalk?: nope but my brother mad does, he almost pissed on me 1ce cuz he mistook my room from the bathroom
Do you talk in your sleep?: i dont think so
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: my pooh bear ive had since i was born but thats it
How about with the light on?: i cant sleep wiht any light
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: isome times i fall assleep to connan but most of the time i pop in some weezer and put it on repeat