May 21, 2004 01:18
For the past few days I have been in an uncontrollable mind spin. All this shit happening at once, and what are you to do? Let go and let what happens happen. Life is a lot easier if you just dont care, now that may sound lazy but it's so fucking true, you just have no idea. My graduation was the other day (Wend) it wasnt until then and there that I didnt give a shit after seeing all these sad depressed people that would soon be departing and making their own lives and doing their own shit. All these people crying just because they wont see people they barely talk to anymore... fuck that man up pussy don't cry GOD knows those fucks won't care about you after you leave once
the thought of you fades out of their minds you will be a forgotten memory. Give it up drop the act it's over be happy fuck school if you dont see a person on a regular basis and school was the only reason you did see them chances are you wont see them again so what the fuck do I care? I don't. So here I am in a room with over 300 people crying and bitching I grab my diploma and get the fuck out as quick as possible. Other than that graduation was great I got like $1,700 from my family to get a car and I think i have a little more Im not sure I have a lot of savings bonds I plan on cashing in to cover the insurance until I can get a job. Any way today was rather interesting I woke up in Julz's bed with a headache from hell ... I dont remember drinking that much but what ever I called my mom and asked her to come get me ...cuz Shaun locked his keys in his car and needed a hand. I got over to his house and Kim Kass and Ash were there - It's been a few days since I've seen Kim so that was cool shes so damn cute. Any who after walking to Shaun's car and an hr of useless effort we gave in and called Pop a lock, being the good friend I am I fronted Shaun the $30 to get his shit opened so we could get the fuck outa there.... to bad the dick left his car 1/2 on and it killed the battery so after getting a jump we headed back to his house to pick up my girl and Kass. We drove to Kass's house and played some pool and GOT ANOTHER SMOOTHIE.. Shaun had to roll out to PT so I went home talked to the Mom for a bit and the Grandparents were here I tried to play it off that my head wasnt pounding but gave in and had to take some BC powder they asked is your head ok ... "oh yea it's fine im just going to take this and go take a nap" so I took a nap.... 6hours later i woke up and now I cant get the fuck to sleep. Before I go I just have one more thing to say.. Have you ever had a friend or friends even that take the good shit and leave you with whats left over? that just fucking sucks doesn't it. The sad thing is that there are people like that out there. So another fucked up day in my fucked up life goes by and things seem to be getting better- fuck me I need a job oh yea I was going ..
Calandra out.