Nov 12, 2007 20:12
Funny... there I was... 91 South with flashing blue lights for only the second time in my life and the first time on T.
I run into a statey.
Funny how my gender spewed itself across my dash... as I fiddled with telling him name change shit since I didn't think I ever changed my registration... fiddled with my voice as high as it could go, ending up with scratchy whiskey voice and... all because of that there damn F on my license. Something I can in no way, relate to anymore or change for now.
There I was. How fast your mind works is unbelievable, tell him this and this and this... trust that about him, double check this. Careful what you say and always mention... your brother in law's father. A statey captain. Consequences.
After he let me off the hundred dollar ticket, I wasn't scared anymore... and fuck, it helps to be nice, so there were plenty of yes sirs and no sirs and all that game playing we do. Unregistered car: BIG offense. Transgendered guy on T: BIG offense.
I am lucky.
I could sit and and oggle over how sad it is that I feel lucky in all this, despite the 200 bucks in towing fines and new registration... money I DONT HAVE but... I don't wanna do that.
Take away the money.
And I am lucky.
EDIT: I had NO idea my car was unregistered.