Dec 18, 2011 12:56
I found the first six parts of the old story "Fox the Fugutive" by Karoshi. Does anyone out there have the seventh part? No one seems to remember the last part, but I clearly remember the part where Fox's mother is beaten to death. Mulder happens to be talking to Cancer Man when both their phones ring at almost the same time with the news of Teena's death. The older man tries to get mulder to hang up before he can get the news. Mulder figures out it was Diana Fowley when, right after Teena's funeral, she says something about Mulder looking cute wearing Mickey Mouse ears. Mulder had only found the picture of him and Samantha at Disneyland or Disney World a few weeks before and it was a brand new addition to his mother's mantel, which meant Diana and her goon were there recently. But the Smoker figured it out just ahead of him and sent Krycek to take care of her just before Mulder got to Diana's place.
Does this ring bells with anyone? I hope someone still has the last part of the story that they can send me.