State of the Fanfic Address

Jun 15, 2012 22:28

Or... what are xfsista's deadlines, etc., and so forth.

- deflower_draco: Due August 24th. I started with one idea. Tossed it. Started another. Didn't like how it was working out. Kind of like the idea I have now. Sorta meh on the whole thing. Pr0n is hard. Heheh. I said hard.

- Hawthorn & Vine's Treasured Tropes Challenge: Due September 10th. I claimed my prompt last night and actually started writing. I think this one is going to be one of those that is going to write itself. I'm quite pleased about that. I'm also planning on doing a second story based off my own idea.

- dramione_duet: Due September 27th. Haven't received assignment yet, so it could be a nightmare. Panic TBD.

- September/October: Once these fests wrap up, I'm thinking of attempting to post my first WIP. I'm scared, y'all. I'm working up to it. Lol.

fan-fiction, panic and freak out, writing, progress report, fandom: harry potter, challenges & fests

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