A trip to Whimsic Alley

May 28, 2012 19:34

I try to keep this journal strictly about writing and fanfic, but this is kind of relevant as it relates to the Harry Potter fandom. For those on my personal journal, this is copy/pasted from my last entry.

Yesterday, I visited Whimsic Alley for the first time to check out their Wizard Craft Faire. For those who don't know, Whismic Alley is ( Read more... )

hawthorne & vine, fan-fiction, miscellaneous, other, writing, fandom: harry potter

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leopion May 29 2012, 11:23:06 UTC
Gosh, I wish I could go there as well! And it's always nice to meet fandom friends for real, isn't it? Your friend's art is amazing. I'm in love with that Luna painting. So beautiful!

Anyhow, I know the feelings. Serendipitously, I just sort of ranted about it in my new LJ post. The gist of it is I haven't completed anything without a deadline over my head ever since I took my break from my first multi-chapter. I used to update it with a schedule before that, though, and it seemed to work in terms of incentives. I'm probably going to get back to that. Though it's not ideal on the plot front, it's probably worth it. Oh, this reminds me that I still owe you a reply to the PM. *curses real life and my forgetfulness*

As for cross-posting, I'm terrible at it. And at times, I feel like only posting at HV, too (did so for a period actually). But as I mentioned earlier (on Twitter?), I need somewhere (read my LJ) to get everything together. Regardless, I'm trying to cross-post to other archives because I posted there before and I've started feeling bad about neglecting/abandoning them. That said, I don't think it's too hard to get an account at HV when one really wants to read something on there, it's just that everyone loves to stick to their comfort zone with their reading (as we do when it comes to posting, I suppose.).


xfsista June 8 2012, 01:37:57 UTC
It was a lot of fun! I had wanted to go there for a while, so it was great to see it and meet my friend. :)

I've never completed anything that wasn't related to a fest in some way. In a way, it's good, because the deadlines keep me on track. And it's fun. But I would like to try to do something outside of them. I thought about posting a WIP, because I thought the expectation of the next part would keep me motivated, but I'm terrified of starting something, then writing myself into a corner or something. Or losing motivation. Basically, I'm a big wimp on that. Heh.

No worries about replies. I clearly have that real life forgetfulness, too. Lol. Although, I feel like you have legitimate things to be distracted by (assignments and exams and such). I'm just a mess. ;) It's like I can't concentrate on one thing long enough to finish anything.


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