Deflower Draco: Round Two

May 13, 2012 15:24

It's time again for one of my favorite fests from last year! It was the first fest I ever participated in, so in a way, I was deflowered, too. ;)

I've been trying to avoid signing up for fests, so I can attempt to focus on other plot bunnies I have roaming around. However, I was thinking about this one yesterday and came up with an idea that is horribly awkward, so I might have to sign up for this one after all. Lol.

On Dreamwidth | On LiveJournalThe Deflower Draco Fest is for het, slash, threesome, and moresome fanworks that prominently feature the virginity (and de-virginizing) of Draco Malfoy. Claim a prompt or work from your own idea!
Prompting: May 24-May 30
Claiming: June 1-June 6
Works Due: Aug 24
Posting Begins: Aug 27

challenge/fest: deflower draco, pimpage, fandom: harry potter, challenges & fests

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